Know the Three Innovative Uses of RFID in Retail

The retailers are always looking out for ways to operate more competently, stay ahead of the curve, and enhance the shopping experience.

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is not new, but the technology has become popular in the recent times among retailers and other business owners. The RFID technology has been very effective in identifying products in warehouses and retail stores. As per the reports, more than 75% of retailers use RFIC technology, and they have got satisfactory results. 

Wondering why the demand for RFID suddenly escalated? Because a major segment of the retailers saw that it can pave the way for error-free item counts. There are obviously other, more innovative reasons. Keep reading to know.

1.      Changing How We See Ourselves

Digitization engages the modern-day individuals more. Apart from custom music and touchscreen directory, they are now provided with interactive trial rooms.

The experts offering RFID automated inventory systems said that the tags integrated in the mirror help one get a 360-degree view of what he/she is putting on. It is also possible to change the pattern or colour of the clothing with a simple hand gesture.

One may add accessories virtually to see if the concerned outfit is at all compatible. He/she can get a second opinion through password-protected video calls with a family member or friend. Amazing, right?

The smart mirrors give people personalized makeup classes guided by an artist’s voice at the cosmetic stores. They can recreate looks systematically and procure details on the products they are planning on purchasing.

2.      Taking Control

RFID solutions for retailers have acquired popularity probably because they manage to alleviate the out-of-stock situations and offer real-time merchandise data. This technology can track their items throughout the supply chain process – from the warehouse to the store shelf.

The control feature is very effective for all those who have a powerful omnichannel strategy and are looking forward to having a seamless experience. Before RFID, keeping a close check of the inventory seems a very difficult job. But now, with the help of an RFID inventory management system, retailers can easily check the stock on a regular basis and thus have increased the level of accuracy up to 95%. 

3.      To Hold OntoCustomers

An RFID tag enhances the concerned retail company’s loyalty quotient and unlocks unique perks such as style recommendations, fashion sessions, video content, etc. As a result, the customers keep coming back every month or at times twice in a week. The satisfied customers share their reviews on social media, which further increases the traffic. In other words, you not only hold onto your existing clientele base but procure new ones.

The retail industry all across the globe is investing in RFID. Initially, a few organizations feared the price, but thanks to the negligible installation barrier and the rising customer expectations, acceptance has become outright mandatory.

